An entertaining, laugh-out-loud tale of school life, bullies and bugs from Spectre Collectors author Barry Hutchison.
Ant isn't like many other boys. His clothes are always dirty, there are often bugs in his hair and he doesn't even knowanything about footie! But what really sets him apart is what's hiding behind his ginormous green sunglasses – and that has to be seen to be believed… Particularly suitable for struggling, reluctant or dyslexic readers aged 8+
This is Book 69 in the 9 to 12 Series. See all 9 to 12 books here.
"Zac was kneeling on the grass in the school garden. He had a pile of seeds cupped in his hands and the class weirdo squatting beside him."
Barry Hutchison hails from the Highlands of Scotland, where he spends time writing screenplays, comics and children's books. He is in his early thirties - but on a good day could easily pass for mid-forties - and lives happily with his long-term partner and their children
More about Barry HutchisonTom Percival is a writer, artist, video producer and musician. Tom writes and illustrates his own picture books, including Tobias and the Super Spooky Ghost Book, A Home for Mr Tipps (HarperCollins) and Jack's Amazing Shadow (Pavilion). Herman's Holiday is Tom's third picture book for Bloomsbury, following up from Herman's Letter and Bubble Trouble. Tom live
More about Tom Percival
Toppsta Comment
With just 80 pages, full page black and white illustrations, nicely spaced out text and lines, printed on tinted pages, this is another brilliant 'super readable' book from specialist publisher Barrington Stoke with an uplifting message about how heroes come in all shapes and disguises!