Mummy time is magic time in this unexpected and enchanting tale from the one and only Judith Kerr, creator of The Tiger Who Came to Tea and Mog the Forgetful Cat .
From Judith Kerr OBE comes a future classic to touch the heart and tickle the funny bone.
With whip-smart observation, illustration perfection and the unexpected twist on the everyday that personifies Judith's classics, Mummy Time is sure to join the ranks of her very best, and bestselling, books. Full of warmth, whimsy and wit - and the very special magic that can only happen when you're with Mummy...
This is Book 9 in the The Norendy Tales Series. See all The Norendy Tales books here.
Judith Kerr OBE Biography
Judith Kerr OBE is the well-known illustrator and writer of classic popular stories such as the Mog series and The Tiger Who Came To Tea.
Judith Kerr was born Anna Judith Gertrud Helene Kerr