Little Honey Bear and his friends Lily Long Ears and Teeny Tiny Mouse discover a shining silver moonpath and set off to have tea with the moon. But the path gets steeper, the wind gets colder, and it suddenly gets very dark. Wherever can the moon have gone?
Gill Lobel was born in Coventry. She went to Manchester University to read English, and then to Leicester to study for a Post Graduate Certificate in Education. She has been a teacher for most of her working life mainly teaching English in comprehensive schools. She has also worked with children with Special Educational Needs, and as a Home Tutor for sick
More about Gillian LobelAward-winning illustrator Tim Warnes shares a studio at his home near Dorchester in the Dorset countryside with his wife, illustrator Jane Chapman. Tim is best known for illustrating the Little Tiger books, which gave Little Tiger Press not only its name, but its first ever logo too!
More about Tim Warnes