A young boy, bewitched by his father's unrelenting passion to fly; a desperate craving that absorbs his every waking minute, finds himself entranced by the dream. When his father goes to war and does not return it seems the spell is broken.
Much later, the boy, now a young man finds himself drawn once more to his father's drawings and failed experiments. Finally able to make his father's dream a reality, he flies. Will his own son be visited by this unrelenting passion?
This is Book 1 in the Monstrous Maud Series. See all Monstrous Maud books here.
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Grahame is a self-taught illustrator from Oxford who completed his training at Berkshire
School of Art. He has worked in illustration for twenty years and in 2011 won the Greenaway Medal for his inspiring tale of fatherhood, FARTHER. He has illustrated two other picture books for Templar: the Greenaway shortlisted Leon and the Place Between and The Winter's
Grahame is a self-taught illustrator from Oxford who completed his training at Berkshire
School of Art. He has worked in illustration for twenty years and in 2011 won the Greenaway Medal for his inspiring tale of fatherhood, FARTHER. He has illustrated two other picture books for Templar: the Greenaway shortlisted Leon and the Place Between and The Winter's