Best Books About Puberty


Puberty is a difficult time for children, and for the grown-ups around them too! As kids approach adolescence, they have a lot of questions and it is our job, as adults, to prepare them for the changes they will experience.

Children’s books about growing up and what to expect are a helpful way of tackling the issue. Often, kids are more comfortable having a book they can refer to themselves in private, and books are also a useful tool for prompting important conversations.

There are many specific puberty books for girls and for boys, as well as lots of general books about adolescence and it can be hard to know where to start. Fiction can also be a useful tool to introduce the topic gently, especially when humour is involved.

We have put together a list of our top puberty books for tweens and teens. These are not just sex education books or body books, they also talk about relationships, mental health, staying safe online, consent, gender identity, and many other important issues too.

We have included books for a broad range of kids from young tweens to young adults - click through to each one to find out more and choose the best book for your child.

Best Books About Puberty

fiction about puberty & growing up

Best Books About Puberty

non-fiction about puberty

Best Books About Puberty

First published


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