The essential 10-step guide for children whose parents are splitting up, containing expert insight and practical tips from child psychologist, Angharad Rudkin, and co-written by children's author Ruth Fitzgerald.
Finding out that your parents are splitting up can feel scary and upsetting. It can also be hard to know who you can talk to about it. But you are NOT alone.
Psychologist Angharad Rudkin is here to guide you on this journey with 10 simple steps that will help you to feel calmer, stronger, confident and more positive about the future.
From acceptance and resilience, to communication and compassion towards other people, this book will help you tackle the tricky situations that a divorce can bring, and answer some of the questions going through your head.
With practical and positive tips, this book will show you that change is a tough journey, but with the right survival kit, you will reach a happier destination!
See More Personal & social issues: divorce, separation, family break-up
Ruth Fitzgerald grew up in South Wales but has lived most of her life in Suffolk. She wrote her first story at the age of six and immediately announced she wanted to be a writer. Her teacher told her that being a writer was a hobby and she needed to get a proper job. Ruth tried 23 proper jobs before deciding her teacher was wrong.
She lives near Ipswich
Dr Angharad Rudkin is a Clinical Psychologist who has worked with children and families for over 20 years. Angharad lectures on child psychology at the University of Southampton but also loves talking about child psychology with anyone who's interested. This has meant Angharad has been on TV and radio lots, as well as appearing in articles for newspapers and
More about Dr Angharad Rudkin