A sea lion pup recognizes its mother's call, even with thousands of other noisy sea lions about. A vervet monkey shouts "ha-ha-ha" to warn of an eagle passing overhead. A peacock fans its colourful tail feathers in a silent but impressive display to entice a peahen. Whether it's to attract a mate, warn of predators or mark their territory, animals share information in some extraordinary ways.
This is Book 1 in the Brainwaves Series. See all Brainwaves books here.
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Etta Kaner is a retired elementary school teacher and writer for both children and educators. Her children's books have won numerous awards, including the Silver Birch Award, the Scientific American Young Readers Book Award and the Science in Society Book Award. She lives in Toronto, Ontario.
Carl Wiens is an award-winning illustrator and printmaker who
More about Etta Kaner