Project X: Alien Adventures: Lime: The Mines of Moxor


Project X: Alien Adventures: Lime: The Mines of Moxor Reviews | Toppsta

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The micro-friends are being chased by the Krools. Find out if they can escape the heat-seeking gel boomerangs and reach Planet Moxor in Space Hunt.
Ant, Tiger and Seven are alone in a desert on Planet Moxor. They take shelter in a cave, but have they made the right decision? Find out in The Deadly Cave.
Can Max, Cat and Nok make it through the treacherous cactus forest, escape the Krools and find their friends? Find out in Grumptus Attack.
Our heroes enter The Mines of Moxor in their quest to save their friend, Seven, and find the fragment of Exis. Will they succeed?
In The Contest, Max has to race the Moxorian champion in a deadly contest, but who will win?
The micro-friends return to Planet Exis with the four fragments. Will they be able to re-form the Core, or will Badlaw get in the way? Find out in Return to Exis.
Each book comes with notes on the inside front and back covers for teachers, TAs and parents/carers, which give question prompts and points for discussion, challenge words, and additional activities that children can do.

Project X: Alien Adventures: Lime: The Mines of Moxor Reviews | Toppsta


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This is Book 33 in the Project X Series. See all Project X books here.

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Age 7

About James Noble

A.J. Hunter is the pen name for two authors, Allan and James, who bonded over their shared love of mythological creatures. After poring over their history books and trawling through the Internet, Myth Raiders was born! When they're not thinking up new adventures for Sam and Trey, they can usually be found indulging one of their many interests, suc

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